• 9/14/2016

New to Mathcad? Download These Worksheets to Get Started with Engineering Calculation Software


When I get my hands on a new software or calculation tool, the first thing that comes to my mind is “where do I start?”

Some of you may answer that the key is to search the internet for video tutorials, while others may prefer an online or in-person class. But I would argue that, when it comes to PTC Mathcad, the best starting place is our example worksheets and tutorials for students.

Get started with Mathcad engineering calculation software by downloading education worksheets

Where to start? If you're using Mathcad as your engineering calculation software, we recommend our Education Worksheet Library

Created by Mathcad specialists, the PTC Mathcad Worksheet Library - Education consists of more than 500 worksheets within five collections. This library gives you ready-made PTC Mathcad templates that you can customize to perform a range of mathematical tasks, from solving equations to graphing and calculus.

Here’s a closer look at what’s in each collection:

PTC Mathcad Prime Tutorials with Physics Examples

This set of PTC Mathcad Prime worksheets walks you through elementary physics problems while teaching the basics of PTC Mathcad Prime. After you finish the tutorials, you will be able to write equations that contain constants, variables, and units; solve and graph equations; statistically analyze a set of data; and linearly fit a set of data.

Solving and Optimization

To use PTC Mathcad's tools, it is important to understand the mathematical methods behind them, the algorithms that implement these methods efficiently, and the limitations of performing these algorithms on a computer.

This worksheet collection helps you understand Mathcad's solving and optimization tools, and how to use them to create effective worksheets. Since different problems require different tools, this collection covers:

  • Identifying the type of problem.
  • Choosing appropriate Mathcad functions for the problem.
  • Using the appropriate Mathcad functions correctly.
  • Interpreting the solutions.

Specific examples are given throughout the collection, so you’ll know what to use when in representative problems.

Quick Sheets

These full-featured PTC Mathcad worksheets:

  • Give you ready-made PTC Mathcad templates that you can customize for everything from solving equations to graphing and calculus.
  • Show you how to use some of PTC Mathcad's special features, like programming.

Reference Tables

These worksheets are packed with the basics everybody uses:

  • Tables of properties—such as sound velocity, density, electrical resistivity, and molecular weight—for metals, solids, liquids, gases.
  • Fundamental constants and their values.
  • Commonly used formulas and identities—including calculus and trigonometric identities.
  • Geometry—such as areas and perimeters, as well as volumes and surface areas.
  • Mechanics—including centroids and mass moments of inertia.
  • Electromagnetics—such as capacitance and oscillators.
  • Fundamental physics.

Individual Worksheets

This collection contains examples of solving a system of equations with units, solving systems of equations using the Find function, and a lot of other useful examples.

Download the Education Library Now

Why waste any more time and energy to look for resources anywhere else when you have it all here?

We’ve made sure that the skills you develop from using the PTC Mathcad Worksheet Library - Education will be immediately transferable to the professional world! Youcan find the value-priced Worksheet Library on our webstore for immediate download. [Note. Library requires PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 or later.] 
